Guest Speakers.

(in alphabetical order)

     Dave Chapman

Dave XVII Chapman is a life-long amateur astronomer and long-standing member of RASC Halifax. He is primarily a visual observer, but has been known to take the odd astrophoto. He always has a lot of projects on the go, which you can learn about at

    David Hoskin

David Hoskin has been a member of the RASC – Halifax Centre since 2018.  He currently serves as Observing Chair, Education and Public Outreach Chair, and sits on the Centre’s Board of Directors. Although David enjoys all aspects of amateur astronomy, his passion is astrophotography. He has earned RASC’s Wide Field, Solar System, and Deep Sky Astro-Imaging Certificates. Some of David’s astrophotographs have been featured in BBC Sky at Night magazine, EarthSky, and CTV Atlantic newscasts.

    Pat Kelly

Pat Kelly has been a member of RASC Halifax Centre for 42 years and has served at the Centre and National levels in multiple capacities, including Centre President and Newsletter Editor. He is an enthusiastic presenter at meetings, planetarium shows, and university lectures. Pat is equally enthusiastic about birding. He is a Fellow of the RASC.

Tony is a long-time member of RASC Halifax. He enjoys observing the night sky, astro-imaging, and conducting public outreach. This year he received RASC’s Qilak award for outreach. Since 2016 he has offered two courses for the Senior’s College Association of Nova Scotia (SCANS), A Practical Guide to Observing the Night Sky with Binoculars and more recently, Seeing is Believing: How the Telescope Changed Who We Are and What We Know

Gary has always had a fascination with the night sky.  After moving to Halifax after living most of his life in northern Canada, he was finally able to pursue the hobby seriously.  Gary was an active member of the Halifax Centre for several years, and has since reactivated his membership.  He is primarily a visual observer, but recently has been dipping his toe in some astrophotography.