This year (2024) Nova East is at Blomidon Provincial Park


Completing the Registration Form PDF is extremely helpful for Nova East organizers to estimate potential numbers attending Nova East programs, and for the Park staff to ensure adequate on-site facilities such as picnic tables, garbage cans, etc.

Why Pre-Register?

  1. Guarantees Nova East campers a campsite adjacent to the observing area (refer to Nova East Camping & Etiquette).

  2. Allows Nova East day-users vehicle parking adjacent to the Nova East observing site for easy access and equipment unloading, as opposed to parking at the Park entrance.

  3. Ensures your name is included in our door prize draws.

  4. Assists the Nova East Planning Committee with planning for the astro-breakfasts.

Complete the Registration Form

You can choose one of the following methods of registration:

Regular Post: Mailed-in registrations should be received by Registrar on or before August 5, 2024. Note the deadline for ordering t-shirts. Send the completed form with payment (for Payment details, see below) to:

Nova East Registrar
159 Town Road
Falmouth, NS. B0P 1P0                  

Email: Download the on-line registration form then email the saved form to the Registrar  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..    For Payment details, see below. On-line registrations will be accepted by email until midnight August 7, 2024. 

• Note the deadline for ordering t-shirts is July 2, 2024.

Designation of a campsite will be made when confirmation of payment is received.

Please complete the registration form and return it with your payment to the indicated address. All registrations received will be confirmed by email. 


Payment can be made:

  • By cheque or money order if mailed in with the completed registration form, or

  • By cash, cheque or money order if pre-arranged with the Registrar to pay upon arrival at NE.

  • By e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

On-Site Registration

The Registration Desk will be open for registration in the Events Building as follows:

  • Friday, August 9: 1:00 PM - 6:30 PM

  • Saturday, August 10: 9 AM - 12 noon (in person on-site)